14/10/23 : Womens 2 vs Bournemouth 2

Away - Bournemouth BH23 6BL


Lost 1 - 3

After a 0-0 draw last week, Havant were intent on taking 3 points from this difficult away fixture against top of the league Bournemouth.  On a bright, sunny day with the first chill of autumn in the air, a changed Havant team started tentatively.  Bournemouth came out strong with the confident swagger of a winning team, but after 10 minutes Havant got into their stride and started to fight back.  A bit of luck, in the form of the cross bar after a demonstrative closing down by Lucia the keeper on the approaching forward, who’d hung high and alluded the defenders.  Havant by now, holding their own, were creating chances but not converting.


Then came a Bournemouth penalty corner, slick, accurate and GOAL, 1-0 to them.  Havant didn’t sit back, and within minutes the ball had been pinged from player to player, before the perfect team goal was scored by Loz on the back post. 1-1, GAME ON!


In the second half, the play was end to end, Havant had opportunities, and were managing to keep Bournemouth at bay, but 2 more penalty corners resulted in 2 more perfectly executed routines, leaving Bournemouth 3-1 up.  Despite their best efforts, and some brilliant performances from young players Ella, Hannah and new member Ellie, Havant couldn’t pull the score back. A 3-1 result left Havant feeling they deserved more.   


Lauren Salisbury 1

Player of the Match

Lauren Salisbury