16/12/23 : Womens 2 vs Bournemouth 3

Home - Havant College


Won 6 - 2


On a windy Saturday morning, Havant ladies 2s were ready to play their rearranged game and hopefully bring home three points before Christmas.

With two members of the team leaving at the Christmas break - Sophie heading down to Cornwall and Carmen off to Spain - the team were desperate to bring home three points and lots of goals.

The game started excitingly with Havant striking first. With lots of quick passing and Havant working together as a team, Holly was able to to successfully score a deflection giving Havant the lead.

However, Bournemouth were not giving up easily with all of Havant heavily attacking, they counted with a quick break and scoring levelling 1-1.

Not willing to give in, Havant tried to attack again, but unfortunately with a quick turnover,  Bournemouth broke quickly, aiming straight to the top of the D, allowing them to take a 2-1 lead.

Annoyed, Havant quickly got into action. With lots of accurate passes at pace, and lots of 2 vs 1, Havant reached the oppositions D, and with a direct strike at goal stopped by an opposition’s foot, a penalty flick was awarded. Strawbs stepped up and scored in the bottom left, bringing it to 2-2

With momentum, Havant attacked again down the right. Ella passed the ball across the D, allowing Sophie to score, a goal on the back post. She was delighted to score on her final game with Havant and wanted to continue, with a three point win

Receiving an inspiring team talk by their coach, Havant knew they needed to score, more goals and clinch the win in the second half.

With further aggressive play down the right hand side of the pitch, Havant got going with another storming run from Ella. She passed the ball across the to Rae,who was on the back, left post, able to slot it in for number four.

Inspired by Sophie, scoring on her last game for Havant, Carmen was desperate to do the same. With a quick rotation, she was on the pitch ready to show her parents who had flown in, especially what she was made of. She scored a wonderful goal to make it five, and all of her teammates were delighted.

Bournemouth did not give in, but Havant were determined to keep a clean sheet in the second half. They continued to attack wave after wave with Rae,scoring her second with a little reverse flick

Havant Ladies Twos were tremendously pleased with the final result of 6-2 ready to go into the Christmas break, knowing they had secured three points.


Chris Allberry 1
Holly Illing 1
Elisabeth Jones 2
Sophie Lewis 1
Carmen Arregui 1

Player of the Match

Elisabeth Jones